It's AutMn at UA!

About Us

AutMn: Trustworthy Autonomy is a research lab at The University of Alabama ("It's AutMn at UA!"). Led by Dr. Bineet Ghosh, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, this lab focuses on designing and verifying autonomous systems. Our main objective is to ensure safety and correctness of autonomous systems in presence of uncertainties, with complex system dynamics, with heterogeneous and distributed computing resources. We strive to incorporate intelligence, bridge the gap between models and their implementations, and tackle other related complexities. To learn more about our research, please visit our research page (or Dr. Ghosh's research page).

Lately, we are trying initiate a pilot project aimed at creating teaser videos (whenever we find time) that showcase our lab's research, with the goal of reaching a wider audience. The primary objective of this is to expand our reach and connect with a wider audience, including high-school students, to encourage them in STEM subjects. This initiative would also be helpful to establish connections with students, practitioners, and scientists from diverse research areas, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas. These teaser videos draw inspiration from the increasing trend of short-form video content, incorporating interesting effects and music, making them accessible to a broader.

 /bineetkumarghosh/                          /BineetGhosh3/                          /autmn.lab/                          /autmn_lab/